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15-01-2024, 08:55 AM | #1 |
مشــــــرف منتدى الكمبيوتر تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2023
الدولة: Czech Republic
المشاركات: 539
لتحرير النصوص ولغات البرمجة ES-Computing EditPlus 5.7.4586 Final
محرر نص HTML محررPHP محرر جافا محررHex Viewer لنظام Windows وهو ممتاز لإستبدال المفكرة و يقدم العديد من الميزات القوية على صفحة ويب للمبرمجين يعمل على تركيب CSS,ASP Perl , JavaScript, HTML , PHP , JavaC/C VBScript بيثون روبي Rails Also تشمل الميزات الأخرى Hex Viewer وشريط أدوات HTML وأدوات المستخدم ورقم السطر والمسطرة وتمييز عنوان URL الإكمال التلقائي للنصوص واختيار الأعمدة البحث الاستبدال محرر نص HTML محررPHP محرر جافا محررHex Viewer The EditPlus offers more options than most software, whatever the type, including three different installation directories and context menu association. When we first ran the program,. EditPlus has what can be considered the classic utility layout: Menu bar above toolbar; sidebar on the left, tabbed for Directory and Cliptext, and offering tree view navigation; and a main windowThe lower half of the Directory tab is a list of executables, scripts, templates, syntax files, and other items most users need most often. The Cliptext tab is equally handy; it displays ANSI characters, Control characters, CSS2 and CSS3, HTML 4.01 and 5, and XHTML 1.0. All are default settingsYou can edit text, HTML, and much more with EditPlus, a robust and capable text editor. The latest release of ES-Computing's EditPlus, version 3.5, adds improved support for high DPI displays as well as Windows 8 compatibility to a long-running and well-regarded text, HTML, Java, and PHP editor that also offers syntax highlighting, integrated Web browsing, code folding, auto-completion, and much more |